Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Maps (-) is out for public consumption Cards (-) is next for active development

Finally did some motivational monetization attempt for Maps. :) There are lots of ideas sitting in the 'nice to have' queue. One of those is to implement it as a generic 'geo' view intent, so that it could be used to open address from Cards (-).


  1. I just found this GREAT app and all I can say is AWESOME.

    I will be keeping my eye on this now. Thanks for your hard work.

  2. Love it because of easy caching. Just waiting for more maps - google earth, google hybrid, public transport... Than it will be the best map app ever :) Well some search engine would be nice to. But anyway - congratulations!

  3. Thank you for your app, wanted something like that from day one of Android, now even learning how to program myself. very neat. I guess some FAQ or help page would be useful, couldn't figure out what the cache feature was for up until I got to this site. I don't know if it's possible but it would be nice to have some directions as w/ google maps, or maybe to use google maps with your cache app.

    But anyways thank you a lot.

  4. nice app, works like a charm on my iphone

  5. Thank you! Offline data is still very useful, and your app is the only one I've found that doesn't require Google Contacts! Can you provide a paid version so that I can donatr?
